Bladgull Startkit - Mona Lisa
23900 kr
I dette startsettet får du med alt du trenger til å begynne med bladgull.
Det følger med
Det følger med
- 6 ark bladgull
- 7ml lim til bladgull
- 7ml forsegling
- 7ml lakk
- 7ml antikk-glaze
Produsentens egen beskrivelse:
HOUSTON ART-Gold Leaf Starter Kit contains everything you need to complete your first gold leaf project! Can be used on plastic, wood, glass, paper, metal, ceramic, and plaster of Paris. Each package contains: 6 sheets of leaf, .25oz adhesive, .25oz sealer, .25oz basecoat, and .25oz antique glaze. Made in US.
HOUSTON ART-Gold Leaf Starter Kit contains everything you need to complete your first gold leaf project! Can be used on plastic, wood, glass, paper, metal, ceramic, and plaster of Paris. Each package contains: 6 sheets of leaf, .25oz adhesive, .25oz sealer, .25oz basecoat, and .25oz antique glaze. Made in US.