DecoArt - SoSoft Fabric Acrylic Paint 59ml - Fuchsia
DecoArt SoSoft Fabric Paint er en svært myk og fleksibel tekstilmaling. Den blir vaskeekte uten behov for varmebehandling.
SoSoft fester til alle typer tekstiler og krakelerer eller flasser ikke. Selv etter lang tids bruke og vask, vil den holde seg myk.
- Allsidig fargepalett
- Dekkende
- Vannløselig
- Produsert i USA
- Praktisk flaske med flip-top
Hvordan bruker jeg SoSoft Fabric Paint?
Plagget eller stoffet må være rent og vasket uten tøymykner. Påfør malingen med pensel, svamp eller stempel. Etter to til tre døgn vaskes det på vrangen på finvask, for så å lufttørke. Må ikke renses,
Hva bruker jeg Transparent Medium til?
Plagget eller stoffet vaskes uten tøymykner. Bruk Transparent Medium som et underlag for SoSoft for å få en bedre overflate å male på. Dette vil gjøre til at malingen glir bedre.
Kan blandes i malingen for å få fargene mer transparente. Blir gjennomsiktig, myk og fleksibel når den tørker.
Hvordan bruker jeg SoSoft til silkemaling?
Vask stoffet og la det tørke. Wash and dry the fabric. Lay a paper towel under the layer of silk to be painted. Apply SoSoft as desired. Moisten brush with water for detail and line work. Resist mediums are not necessary. Remove paper towel and allow 24 hours for paint to cure.
Hvordan bruker jeg SoSoft på quilt?
SoSoft is the ideal paint for adding details to quilts because it will not gum up a needle when sewing. First, appply the Transparent Medium on the fabric. Then use wet-on-wet technique to apply the paint over the medium, where desired. Try corner-loading the brush to achieve light, medium, or dark color values with a very small amount of pigment. This reducing the amont of highlighting and shading needed, thus avoiding paint buildup. The heavier the paint is applied, the more washings it takes before the paint softens. Paint will be soft once dry.
Hvordan bruker jeg SoSoft som akvarell?
Use a spray bottle filled with cool water to dampen an area slightly larger than the painting area. Apply SoSoft using a soft bristle brush. Use the same brush to apply additional water at edges of color, brushing across the fabric where the color meets the clear water area. Paint will continue to "bleed" until dry. Allow fabric to lie flat until dry. To stop the bleeding earlier, use a hair dryer around the edges to dry the water.
Gode tips på veien:
Do not use bleach or detergent with special additives such as whitener or lemon scents.
Use a wet-on-wet technique for best results.
Allow paint to lay on top of the fabric for a bit to allow adequate blending time.
Do not use SoSoft fabric paints with regular acrylic paint on surfaces you will want to wash. Regular acrylics require fabric medium and heat setting.
Prevent paint from bleeding through fabric by separating layers with a piece of cardboard wrapped with plastic, freezer paper, or foil. Remove fabric before completely dry to prevent it from sticking.