Golden Ferniss - Isolation Coat 237ml
20800 kr
GOLDEN Isolation Coat 237ml
Dette er et isoleringslag som påføres mellom akrylmaling og ferniss, eller mellom en del av et bilde som man vil isolere før man maler videre. Isoleringslaget er overmalbart.Isoleringslaget er en klar, glansfull barriere.
NB! Ved påføring av matt ferniss over et helt bilde, (Matte varnish) anbefales det å påføre enten et lag med isoleringslag før fernissen, eller en blank ferniss, for å unngå at partier der malingen er naturlig mattere blir tåkete.
Isolation Coat is a ready-to-use sealing coat for acrylic paintings. Previously acrylic artists’ only recourse was to dilute Soft Gel Gloss with water (our former and still acceptable recommendation) before applying it to completed acrylic artwork. Isolation Coat eliminates the need to measure and mix while increasing flow and leveling.
Isolation coat is a permanent acrylic medium that seals surface absorbency and allows for improved varnish application and easier varnish removal. Apply one or more layers before varnishing.
Isolation coat is a permanent acrylic medium that seals surface absorbency and allows for improved varnish application and easier varnish removal. Apply one or more layers before varnishing.