Golden - Medium 118ml - 3535-4 Airbrush Medium
16800 kr
Airbrush medium
Gels og medier kan blandes i akrylmaling for å strekke malingen, endre tekstur, glans, og påvirke malingens flytegenskaper. De kan også brukes for seg selv for å gi transparente tekstur effekter.Gloss (blanke) Gels er de mest transparente, mens Matte er de mest opake. Blandes med Fluid farger for perfekt airbrush maling.
Airbrush Medium modifies GOLDEN Fluid Acrylics for spray application by reducing clogging and tip buildup during spraying. Recommended for spraying on garments, Airbrush Medium may also be used to thin other products for spraying such as Iridescent/Interference Acrylics and Gesso. NOTE: Airbrush Medium is NOT designed to mix with High Flow Acrylics (Use High Flow Medium). (Item # 3535)
For more information on GOLDEN Airbrush Medium, see the Airbrush Medium Product Information & Application Sheet.
For more information on GOLDEN Airbrush Medium, see the Airbrush Medium Product Information & Application Sheet.