Golden - Medium 473ml - 3910-6 GAC 100
Golden Medium GAC 100
For grunning av overflater, og tynning av maling.
GAC 100 er et universal akrylmedium som er velegnet når det er ønskelig å fortynne og “strekke” fargene. Ideell som grunning, når man vil ha en ufarget grunning på f.eks upreparert lerret. Den er også god å arbeide med for kunstnere som selv blander sine farger.
GAC 100 is a thin, translucent, gloss medium. Useful for thinning or extending colors as well as increasing flexibility. Wets out solids more readily than other polymers and is useful for creating homemade paints. GAC 100 provides basic protection from Support Induced Discoloration (SID), for better protection see GOLDEN Gloss Medium. (Item# 3910)
GAC (short for Golden Artist Colors) Specialty Acrylic Polymers are based on 100% acrylic polymer emulsions. The GACs are useful as mediums or modifiers of acrylic paints. GACs can be used to extend acrylic colors, to regulate transparency, create glazes, increase gloss, reduce viscosity or improve adhesion and film integrity. GAC polymers can also be used for binding pigment solids for various effects and surfaces. Unlike the other GOLDEN Mediums and Gels, GAC Acrylic Polymers have only a minimum amount of thickeners, levelers, defoamers and surfactants to ensure good film formation.
The consistency of the GAC polymers is more fluid and thin than other GOLDEN Mediums, so they will reduce the thickness of most GOLDEN Acrylic Paints. GOLDEN Fluid Acrylics are slightly thicker than the GACs, but will exhibit less change in viscosity with the addition of a GAC polymer.
Each GAC is a unique polymer with unique benefits and applications. Refer to the product descriptions below to find the proper medium for a particular applications.
For health and safety information, download the Safety Data Sheet [PDF].