Mønsterhefte - Cross Stitch Christmas Countdown
19800 kr
Med korssting kan du dekorere og lage gaver. Dette heftet inneholder mønster og motiver, som du selv kan brodere.
Boken inneholder 48 sider med mønster
Boken inneholder 48 sider med mønster
Produsentens egen beskrivelse:
If you love decorating for Christmas as much as you love counted cross-stitch, you are in for a holiday treat! Noted designer Susan Ache will help you put the merry in the season with original cross-stitch designs for two dozen 4x10 mini stockings. Combine decorative linen cuffs with whimsical cotton prints to make little stockings you can hang each day in December until the big day arrives. Whether you tuck in treats and notes for loved ones or simply use them as festive decor, these adorable stockings are sure to bring joy to all who see them. You'll enjoy stitching them now and displaying them for many years to come. Author: Susan Ache. Softcover, 16 pages. Published Year: 2021. ISBN 9781683561590. Imported.