UV Herdelampe Color Pour Mini UV Resin Light - USB-lader
15900 kr
Denne herdelampen herder UV resin og lades opp med USB-kabel.
Legg dine opoxy/resin-ting under lampen og forbered neste prosjekt mens det herder :)
Produsentens egen beskrivelse:
Discover new ways to be colorfully creative with Color Pour Resin! This UV resin light cures soft and hard UV resins and is perfect for all sorts of projects. Use with Color Pour UV Resins for the best results. This 6X1.1X5.3 inch package includes one resin light and one USB cord.
Discover new ways to be colorfully creative with Color Pour Resin! This UV resin light cures soft and hard UV resins and is perfect for all sorts of projects. Use with Color Pour UV Resins for the best results. This 6X1.1X5.3 inch package includes one resin light and one USB cord.